Certain questions about Kubernetes seem to come up again and again: What’s up with this init container stuff? What’s a CNI plugin? Why is Kubernetes complaining about pods not finishing initialisation? Kubernetes is a complex system with a simple overall purpose: run user workloads in a way that permits the authors of the workloads to not care (much) about the messy details of the hardware underneath. The workload authors are supposed to be able to just focus on Pods and Services; in turn, Kubernetes is meant to arrange things such that workloads get mapped to Pods, Pods get deployed on Nodes, and the network in between looks flat and transparent. This is simple to state, but extremely complex to implement in practice. (This is an area where Kubernetes is doing a great job of making things complex for the Kubernetes implementors so that they can be easier for the users – nicely done!) Under the hood, Kubernetes is leaning heavily on a number of technologies to ma...
What is a Service Mesh? What is a Service Mesh? A Service Mesh is a system that carries the requests and responses that microservices send each other. This traffic ultimately travels from Pod to Pod the same way it always has, but by passing through a Service Mesh layer as well much more advanced observability and control is possible. Think of a Service Mesh as a smarter network. Service Meshes are at the forefront of Cloud Native infrastructure. As Kubernetes revolutionised compute—the execution of services—Service Meshes are a massive value-add in networking. They’re also replacing a lot of boilerplate that used to happen in application code, but which is better done by the infrastructure. Much as projects like Terraform made the infrastructure team’s lives better, a Service Mesh is something that microservice developers and owners can use to better operate their applications. Service Meshes also augment the features of these applications, offering real top-line ...